SADC Military Inspectors Meet In Luanda
Luanda, 08/01 – Military inspectors with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are due to meet on August 05-08, in Luanda, in a biennial conference, in
order to create the post of Inspector of Regional Organisation in its structures, Angop has learnt.
This was announced on Thursday to Angop by the South African Army`s Inspector,Lieutenant-General Motxine Petane, shortly after his arrival in Luanda.
Luanda meeting will debate the fore-mentioned theme, he highlighted, remembering that the first session took place in South Africa, in 2006.
In his opinion, Angola and South Africa have a good bilateral relation in matters of inspection within SADC and other one very animated between both Armies.
SADC is made up by Angola, Botswana, Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, Seychelles,Mauritius, Zambia, Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Namibia, Madagascar,
Lesotho and Mozambique.