Uíge: Interior Ministry`s Organs Urged to Increase Combative Readiness Levels
Uíge, 06/25 - The provincial governor of northern Uíge province, António Bento
Cangulo on weekend advised organs of the Home Affairs Ministry to increase the levels of
readiness of officers so as to ensure more safety and public tranquillity during the forthcoming
legislative elections, set for September 05.
"Considering the oncoming great event, we hope that the National Police, as the guarantee of
public tranquillity, shall be ready to enable citizens to carry out their right to vote freely and
safely", stressed the governor whilst addressing the ceremony to commemorate the 29th
anniversary of the Home Affairs Ministry, June 22.
On the other hand, the governor also asked officers of the Border Guard Police and of the
Migration and Foreigners Services, in the region, to reinforce border patrol so as to curb the
illegal entry of foreigners into Angola during the elections.
On his turn, the local Home Affairs delegate, sub-commissioner Alfredo Sebastião " Fidel"
guaranteed the readiness of National Police officers to reprimand all acts of vandalism during
the polls.