DNIC Detains Drug Smugglers
Luanda, 04/11 – Three Angolan drug traffickers were presented on Friday in Luanda
by the National Department of Criminal Investigation (Uije).
Among those presented were Elisabeth Lukombo, 42, from Uíge province, who was detained
at the 4 de Fevereiro International Airport, in Luanda, after her arrival onboard a TAAG flight
from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, carrying in her stomach 49 capsules containing cocaine, estimated
at 574 grammas of this product.
On Wednesday, the Police also arrested at 4 de Fevereiro International Airport, citizens
Joaquim Faustino Beto, 41, from Cabinda province, and Anita Luniasi, 32, from Moxico
province for drug trafficking.
They were also onboard of a TAAG flight from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, carrying in their
stomaches 234 cpsules of cocaine, estimated at 2.673 gramas. |